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Kimber Kable Select (CU) USB Cable

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Kimber Kable Select (CU) USB Cable

from $725.00
  • BTO, Ships in 1 week

  • Limited time, FREE shipping within CONUS

    Have questions? Contact us.


Product information

We have taken material and design cues from both the Axios USB cable and the older version of the Kimber Select Line (KS2416, KS2426, & 2436) and created a cable that surpasses both the performance and the fit and finish of the predecessors.

Details about the construction and components of these new USB 2.0 cable:

Greatly improved -/+ data pair with low density PTFE dielectric. The copper version will utilize silver plated copper and copper conductors for the 5v DC line. The data pair shielding is circumferential- ly bonded to the connector shell using pure, 0.003” thick silver foil for low RF impedance to ground (this is for all models).

By virtue of this robust new conductor design GEN 2 will function flawless even at 6 meter lengths. Cables will be available from 0.5 meters up to 6 meter lengths.

Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers are braided with the data and power conductors to maintain consistent geometry and greatly improve the durability. These special fibers are the same semicrystalline polymers that have a been trusted for decades by surgeons when performing total joint replacements for their mechanical properties and toughness/durability.



  • KS Select Copper (CU) USB 2.0 format

  • Handcrafted in the U.S.

  • Woo Audio is an authorized reseller


  • KS Select Copper (CU) USB 2.0 cable x 1

In the box