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Woo Audio Specialty Audio Cables

4.4mm to dual 3-pin XLR Balanced Cable
2019-07-22 12.36.09-1.jpg
4.4mm with a 3.5mm ground wire to dual 3-pin XLR .jpg
4-pin XLR to dual 3-pin XLR
4-pin XLR to dual 3-pin XLR
4.4mm 5-pole to 4.4mm 5-pole balanced cable. Genuine Pentaconn 4.4mm plug used.
4.4mm to dual 3-pin XLR Balanced Cable
2019-07-22 12.36.09-1.jpg
4.4mm with a 3.5mm ground wire to dual 3-pin XLR .jpg
4-pin XLR to dual 3-pin XLR
4-pin XLR to dual 3-pin XLR
4.4mm 5-pole to 4.4mm 5-pole balanced cable. Genuine Pentaconn 4.4mm plug used.

Woo Audio Specialty Audio Cables

from $349.00
  • BTO, ships in 1–2 weeks

  • Genuine Pentaconn™ 4.4mm connector

  • Limited time, FREE shipping within CONUS

Have questions? Contact us.


Product information

Custom 4.4mm balanced cable (genuine Pentaconn™ connector) designed to be use with WA11 topaz headphone amplifier/DAC and others.


  1. WA11 topaz as a DAC or preamplifier for any balanced power amplifier.

    • WA11 output —> power amplifier [balanced 4.4mm to dual 3-pin XLR (male)]

  2. WA11 topaz headphone amplifier with any balanced source (CD player, DAC, turntable, etc).

    • source output —> WA11 input [dual 3-pin XLR (female) to balanced 4.4mm]

Digital audio player (DAP) to WA11 topaz headphone amplifier

  • DAP output —> WA11 input [balanced 4.4mm (5-pole) to balanced 4.4mm (5-pole)

*Dual 3-pin XLR version [length is measured as XLR to XLR spread out]


*Specifications and appearance are subject to change for improvement without notice.

*Specifications and appearance are subject to change for improvement without notice.

  • 4.4mm (genuine Pentaconn™ connector) balanced specialty cable

  • Custom aluminum low-profile connectors

  • Superior EMI/RFI protection

  • High-purity, multi-strand, OCC (Single-Crystal Copper) wires

  • Dual 3-pin XLR version [length is measured as XLR to XLR spread out]

  • Designed and assembled in New York, USA

  • 3-yr warranty


WA11 output as DAC to power amplifier: balanced 4.4mm (5-pole) to dual 3-pin XLR (male)

WA11 output as DAC to power amplifier: balanced 4.4mm (5-pole) to dual 3-pin XLR (male)

Source output to WA11 input: [dual 3-pin XLR (female) to balanced 4.4mm]

Source output to WA11 input: [dual 3-pin XLR (female) to balanced 4.4mm]

DAP output to WA11 input: 4.4mm balanced (4-pole) with 3.5mm (ground) to 4.4mm balanced (5-pole)

DAP output to WA11 input: 4.4mm balanced (4-pole) with 3.5mm (ground) to 4.4mm balanced (5-pole)

  • Custom specialty audio cable x 1

In the box

  • WA11 topaz

  • WA22

  • WA33

