WA234-MONO Headphone Amplifier (In Stereo Pair) — Woo Audio

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WA234-MONO Headphone Amplifier (In Stereo Pair)

Woo Audio WA234MONO vacuum tube headphone and speakers amplifier

WA234-MONO Headphone Amplifier (In Stereo Pair)

  • BTO (build to order), ships in 3 to 4 weeks

  • Limited time, FREE shipping worldwide

  • Designed and assembled in New York, USA

  • 3-year limited warranty [learn more]

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Comments and Reviews



The WA234-Mono is the ultimate SET (single-ended triode) amplifier. The design is unlike any that the world has ever seen. The WA 234 unique design allows for us of legendary tubes like the 300B, 2A3 and 45 triodes. The choice of tubes offers the highest level of transparency and musicality. The WA234-Mono let you experience music like never before. You can now use any headphone and many high efficiency speakers. Whereas a typical tube amplifier allows you to use only one type of power tube (or a substitute with a similar rating), the 234-MONO increases your options in an elegant way. A tube-switching key (TSK) allows the amplifier to accept 2A3, 300B, or 45 power tubes, so you can instantly switch your tube to suit your music or your mood. 



Output switching key (OSK) allows the listener to switch between speaker and headphone output modes, making it possible to enjoy a piece of music through headphones, then immediately share it with friends through speakers. To make the 234-MONO even more versatile, Woo Audio created output-switching keys for cathode and plate outputs for high and low-impedance headphones.


Customizable Output

Aluminum milled. Top quality Teflon is used for the best isolation. Gold plated oxygen free copper.

Aluminum milled. Top quality Teflon is used for the best isolation. Gold plated oxygen free copper.

Cathode Output HI-Z for High Sensitivity Headphone

Cathode Output HI-Z for High Sensitivity Headphone

Plate Output HI-Z for Low Sensitivity Headphones

Plate Output HI-Z for Low Sensitivity Headphones

Output To Speakers

Output To Speakers

Cathode Output LO-Z for High Sensitivity Headphone

Cathode Output LO-Z for High Sensitivity Headphone

Plate Output LO-Z for Low Sensitivity Headphones

Plate Output LO-Z for Low Sensitivity Headphones










  • Monoblock design (sold in stereo pair)

  • Tubes: 13EM7 driver x 1, 300B power x 1, 5U4G rectifier x 1 each amplifier

  • Compatible with 2A3 / 300B / 45 power tubes

  • Single-ended Triode, Class-A

  • Transformer-coupled, Point-to-Point wiring

  • Independent headphone and speaker circuity

  • Compatible headphones impedance 8–600 Ohms

  • Selectable Cathode or Plate output with KEYS

  • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tube sockets

  • Self-biasing with compatible tubes [chart]

  • Power output rating [chart]

  • Anodized aluminum chassis, available in Diamond Black or Platinum Silver

  • Dimensions without tubes: 10" (H) x 8.75" (W) x 13.25" (D), 60 lbs. / 254mm (H) x 222.25mm (W) x 336.55mm (D), 27.21 kg.

  • Voltage (100v–240v) factory configurable

  • Designed and assembled in New York, USA

  • Three-year limited warranty [learn more]


*Specifications and appearance are subject to change for improvement without notice.

*Specifications and appearance are subject to change for improvement without notice.

  • Quick start guide

  • WA234-MONO amplifier x 2 [left and right channel]

  • WA234-MONO KEYS system [full set] x 1

  • 13EM7 vacuum tube x 2

  • 300B vacuum tube x 2

  • 5U4G (5U3C) rectifier tube x 2

  • 1m, 4-pin XLR (female) to dual 3-pin XLR (male) cable x 1

*AC power cord and audio cables are not included

In the box


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