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CanJam London


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CanJam London

  • Park Plaza Westminster Bridge 200 Westminster Bridge Road London, England, SE1 7UT United Kingdom (map)

Look for us in the Plaza Suite 11 (lower-level).

CanJam returns to the heart of Central London at the ideally located Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel. Featuring over 100 leading brands in over 20,000 sq ft. of exhibition space, CanJam London 2019 will showcase the latest products and innovations in headphones and personal audio electronics in all price ranges – from $50 earbuds to the world’s finest headphone audio systems at $50,000.

The Park Plaza Westminster Bridge’s location in London’s South Bank is a short walk to some of the city’s most iconic attractions. Within in blocks, you can visit amazing sites including Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, and the National Theatre.

Earlier Event: June 22
CanJam SoCal