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Taste Of Woo Audio 2017 [Invite Only] - FREE Exclusive Event!


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Taste Of Woo Audio 2017 [Invite Only] - FREE Exclusive Event!

  • Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport 1333 Old Bayshore Highway Burlingame, CA, 94010 United States (map)

Huge THANKS to everyone who came out to see us. We made a short video of the event.

Woo Audio invites you to come join us for a day of music and fun. This year we have so many new products from Focal, Abyss, Audeze, Sony Signature Series, HifiMan and Kimber Kable. We wanted to gather them all in one place for you (our invited guests only) to try on our amplifiers. There will be complimentary food and drinks to enjoy while you audition each system in a relaxing and comfortable environment. 

To keep this event intimate, we are limiting entry to invited guests + one guest. Please use the link below to secure a reservation. Event room number to distributed on the day of the event or check with the front desk by mentioning Jack Wu or Michael Liang.


Earlier Event: May 18
High End Munich 2017
Later Event: November 2
Capital Audiofest 2017