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417A / 5842 Tube with Adapter

Western Electric 417A Tubes
GEC CV3789 Tubes
Raytheon 5842 Tubes
WA33 Elite Edition with WE417A upgrade tubes.jpg
417A to 6C45 adapter.jpg
Western Electric 417A Tubes
GEC CV3789 Tubes
Raytheon 5842 Tubes
WA33 Elite Edition with WE417A upgrade tubes.jpg
417A to 6C45 adapter.jpg

417A / 5842 Tube with Adapter

from $399.00
  • LIMITED STOCK, one set per customer

  • Upgrade driver tube for WA23 and WA33 amplifiers

  • Matched quad with custom-made adapters

Have questions? Contact us.


Product information

**** important: tube and adapter are factory matched and should not be separated****

NOS (new old stock) ultra-premium grade, driver tubes 5842 / 417A with Custom Adapter [31mm in diameter].

  • Upgrade driver tube for WA23 LUNA (matched pair) or WA33 (matched quad)

  • 60 days warranty on NOS tubes

  • 1-yr warranty on custom-made adapters

A rare driver tube that elevates the already exceptional WA33 amplifier to jaw-dropping sonic performance. We designed the custom adapter specifically to cater to this beloved tube.

Recommended for the following headphones:

  • ABYSS 1266, 1266 Phi and 1266 TC

  • Diana v2, Diana Phi by ABYSS

  • HiFiMan Susvara

  • HiFiMan HE-1000SE

  • Audeze LCD-5

  • Audeze LCD-4


  • 5842 / 417A / CV3789 Tube with Custom-made Adapter

In the box

Western Electric 417A tube with custom adapter

GEC CV3789 Gold-pin

Raytheon 5842 tube

Premium 417A to 6C45 adapter

  • WA23 LUNA [pair]

  • WA33 Standard Edition [quad]

  • WA33 Elite Edition [quad]
