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6DN7/6EM7 Tube With Adapter (New Old Stock In Pair)

6DN7/6EM7 Tube With Adapter (New Old Stock In Pair)

  • Matched pair (2) tubes with (2) adapters

  • Free shipping within CONUS

Have questions? Contact us.


Product information

The 6DN7/6EM7 is the ultimate driver/power tube for the WA6. It has great extension and excellent clarity on all frequency range. You will hear each note with air around it. The sound is smooth and well balanced.
This tube is compatible to the WA6. You will need to use a tube adapter because the pin layout is different than the 6DN7/6EW7. It is a twin triode tube with a high amplification factor.

The tubes produce higher output, best paired with power demanding headphones. Headphones that are high-efficiency, there would be some noise.

***not compatible with 2nd gen WA6/WA6-SE


  • Brand name may vary

  • 6DN7/6EM7 tube x 2

  • 13EM7 to 13DE7 adapter x 2

In the box

  • WA6 (1st gen)

  • WA6-SE (1st gen)
