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Brimar EL84 (New Old Stock In Quad)

NOS Brimar EL84 tubes
NOS Brimar EL84 tubes

Brimar EL84 (New Old Stock In Quad)

  • In matched quad (4) tubes

  • Free shipping within CONUS

Have questions? Contact us.


Product information

Built from the original drawings of the Philips EL84 this ‘84 has all the warmth and character of its predecessor. The gain structure is so close, its almost impossible to tell the difference without enormous lengths of unnecessary scrutiny!

Our EL84 is destined for wide use and sure to find its way into many a Hi-fi, guitar amp, radio, or record player.

Each tube is scrupulously tested and only the best get badged with the Brimar thermionics logo. We hope you enjoy our selected products and with each purchase you will be bringing us closer to British valve manufacturing again.


  • Brimar EL84 Tube x 4

In the box

  • ES8
