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Psvane 6SN7GT Tube - Classic Series (In Pair)


Psvane 6SN7GT Tube - Classic Series (In Pair)

  • Matched pair (2) tubes

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Product information

The Psvane 6SN7GT is a high quality, medium gain, dual triode with an octal base. The Psvane 6SN7GT is an excellent preamp tube with a classic look and sound. The Psvane 6SN7GT works great in any 6SN7 position.

The Psvane Classic Series is focused on the reproduction of popular vacuum tubes found in classic audio equipment. When designing the Classic Series, Psvane collected the most sought-after NOS tubes and analyzed each element of their construction, incorporating the most effective manufacturing techniques to produce stable tubes with excellent sound. Whether used in guitar amplifiers or hifi stereo systems, the Psvane Classic Series vacuum tubes excel in all applications.

Psvane has been producing high quality vacuum tubes since 2011. The Psvane team originally formed in Shuguang’s high-end tube division but eventually split off to form their own brand. Psvane has since acquired their own manufacturing facilities with the goal of improving the production and performance of vacuum tubes. Today they manufacture many top-rated tubes with more than 50 tube types available.


  • Psvane 6SN7GT Classic Series tube x 2

In the box

  • WA22 (1st and 2nd gen)

  • WA5

  • WA5-LE

  • WA234MONO

  • 3ES (Standard and Elite Edition)
