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274B Sophia Mesh Plate Tube (In Each)

274B Sophia Mesh Plate Tube (In Each)

from $249.99
  • Free shipping within CONUS

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Product information

Sophia Electric™ 274B tube is a premium rectifier tube for a 5U4/5R4/5AR4* direct replacement with 3X longer plate structure, thus it has a deeper, wider soundstage and even smoother sound than Mullard 5AR4.

Historically, WE 274B was designed for the WE300B amp, the current NOS WE 274B is $1000 each unit (see Vacuum Tube Valley magazine), the used one can be as high as $500 on Ebay. According to a recent test, this Sophia Electric™ 274B tube outperforms the NOS WE 274B by higher current capability, which translates into better bass, dynamics, and deeper soundstage.

The sonic difference comparing to conventional 5U4, 5AR4*, 5R4 is far bigger than any cable upgrades combined in a high-end system.

Note: The maximum current capability for Sophia Electric 274B mesh plate tube is 90ma.


  • Sophia Electric 274B tube x 1

In the box

  • WA6 (1st & 2nd gen)

  • WA6-SE (1st & 2nd gen)


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