TA-274B Takatsuki Tube
TA-274B Takatsuki Tube
Made in Japan, One (1) year warranty
Select single or a matched pair
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Product information
Commitment to ultimate made-in-Japan quality, refusal to compromise. Takatsuki Electric released the TA-300B in 2010 after the absence of new domestically produced audio vacuum tubes for 35 years. The TA-274B rectifier tube is our second made-in-Japan audio vacuum tube we developed by maximizing our technologies and know-how accumulated in the creation of the 300B.
The TA-274B delivers the ultimate vacuum tube quality that only Takatsuki Electric, the one and only vacuum tube manufacturer in Japan, can offer.
Woo Audio is an authorized reseller.
Type: Twin diode tube
Product name: TA-274B
Configuration: Directly heated twin diode tube
Filament voltage/current: 5V/2A AC
Maximum plate voltage (RMS): 660 V/plate
Maximum DC output current: 225mA
Maximum transient current: 2.5 A 20 msec or less
Peak plate current: 700 mA/plate
Woo Audio is an authorized reseller
Takatsuki TA-274B tube, single or matched pair
Test report x 1
Storage box x 1
In the box
WA33 / WA33 Elite Edition
WA5-LE / WA5