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Western Electric WE300B Tube (In Pair)

Western Electric WE300B Tube (In Pair)

  • In matched pair (2) tubes

  • 5 years warranty, made in USA

  • Free shipping within CONUS

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Product information

The return of a classic…

What if the best sound was achieved decades ago? In 1938, Western Electric manufactured the first type 300B electron tube. It was a breakthrough power triode, but in those days it hummed away from behind a curtain in early Hollywood sound systems. The same things that served moviegoers back then—low noise, ultra-long life, sonic purity and warmth—made it a standout tube for music lovers and vintage audio collectors as the years passed. Deep into the age of the transistor, communities around the world in search of true, original, high-fidelity sound rediscovered the 300B and its exceptional performance. New amplifier designs brought the tube front and center, its customary yellow lettering on proud display.

Sometimes, the old ways are the best

Today, the 300B is re-entering production at the Rossville Works. Our new manufacturing home was custom-built to master the dozens of individual demands of tube making, from sealing the iconic glass bulb to the complex metallurgic processes within. We’ve modernized the production line here and there to establish forward momentum at a company with 150 years of history. Western Electric believes twenty-first century listeners deserve twenty-first century manufacturing standards.

Balanced, Powerful, Refined

The WE 300B sound is balanced, powerful and refined with quality bass from the lowest frequencies through the upper bass. The midrange above is a thing of beauty; dulcet tones, seductive vocals, instruments of all types dimensional and present, all heightening the participatory elements of music.

Burnished and Beautifully Seductive

High frequencies are at once transparent, lovely, sweet, burnished and beautifully seductive. The air and space between performers are extraordinary, performers appear on a quiet and focused soundstage whose width and depth are masterfully rendered. You don’t have to search to find the sweet spot with a WE 300B amplifier, it’s all around you.

Find out what tube aficionados all over the globe know, the WE 300B is the most natural, elegant and emotive triode anywhere in the known universe.

Woo Audio is an authorized reseller.


Average Direct Interelectrode Capacitances:

  • Grid to plate 15 µµf.

  • Grid to filament 9 µµf.

  • Plate to filament 4.3 µµf.

Filament Rating:

  • Filament voltage 5.0 volts, a.c. or d.c.

  • Nominal filament current 1.2 amperes

Limited Warranty period may be extended to five (5) years upon return of warranty card.

Woo Audio is an authorized reseller



  • Western Electric WE300B tube, matched pair

  • Limited warranty card

In the box

  • WA5-LE / WA5

  • WA234MONO


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