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WA7e Fireflies Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier / DAC

WA7e Midnight Blacl
WA7e Fireflies Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier with STAX SR-L700 MK2 Headphones (Copy)
WA7e Midnight Blacl
WA7e Fireflies Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier with STAX SR-L700 MK2 Headphones (Copy)

WA7e Fireflies Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier / DAC

from $1,399.00
  • Electrostatic headphones required [sold separately]

  • Limited time, FREE shipping worldwide

  • Designed and assembled in New York, USA

  • 3-year limited warranty [learn more]

    Have questions? Contact us.


Comments and Reviews


The award-winning WA7 Fireflies is now also available for electrostatic headphones. At the heart of the WA7e is a fully-balanced amplifier designed for modern electrostatic headphones from Audeze, STAX, HiFiMan, Dan Clark Audio, and others.

Thanks to the unmistakable elegant look and compact design, WA7e stands out from conventional electrostatic headphone amplifiers. To fit all of the features that users expect and love to use, our engineers developed a complex internal structure with specifically designed custom-made components. The ESS SABRE DAC you know and love makes your music sound incredible and the user-replaceable 12AU7 vacuum tubes can be upgraded at any time to customize the sound to your preference. The built-in linear power supply simplifies system setup and location versatility. The WA7e is also a tube preamplifier allowing you to integrate with home speaker systems or drive a pair of desktop-powered speakers for more ways to enjoy uncompromised sound. 

Whether you choose WA7 or WA7e for your headphones collection, great sound runs in the family.

Shown with STAX SR-009 headphones (sold separately)

  • Released on February 2023

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: 580v Electrostatic headphones required [sold separately]

  • Compatible with electrostatic headphones from Audeze, STAX, HiFiMan, Dan Clark Audio and others. For STAX SR-007 MK2, choose ES8, WES, and 3ES amplifier.

  • Compatible with Apple iPhone/iPad, Android devices, Mac and Windows computers, how-to video LEARN MORE

  • Tubes: 12AU7 / 5963 driver tubes, self-biasing

  • Premium Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tube sockets

  • ESS SABRE Audiophile DAC up to 24-bit/384kHz PCM, and up to DSD256 (11.2MHz)

  • XMOS xCORE-AUDIO asynchronous USB compatible with PC, Mac, Android certified and iOS devices (with Apple CCK or Android OTG adapter), how-to video LEARN MORE

  • No driver required, plug and play with Windows 10 & 11 and all versions of macOS

  • High-retention USB connector x 1

  • RCA analog Input x 1

  • Frequency response: 15-40kHz, -3dB

  • Signal-to-noise ratio: 100 dB

  • TTube preamplifier function (PRE-OUT):

    • 4.4mm (5-pole) by Pentaconn by NIPPON DICS, - 3.4v balanced pre-out output (recommended)

    • 3.5mm (1/8”), - 1.7v unbalanced stereo pre-out

  • Anodized aluminum chassis, available in midnight black or platinum silver

  • External dimensions with glass: 5.25" (H) x 4.8" (W) x 6" (D)

  • Weight: 9 lbs (4.1kg)

  • Internal linear power supply

  • Operating AC voltage: 115v – 230v (voltage below 115v requires step up transformer)

  • Designed and assembled in New York, USA

  • Three-year limited warranty [learn more]

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: 4.4mm balanced output is not compatible with headphones and earphones (IEMs) with unbalanced cables. NEVER connect unbalanced to the balanced input / output using adapters, it may cause damage to amplifier or malfunction.


*Specifications and appearance are subject to change for improvement without notice.

Shown with STAX SR-404 LTD headphones (sold separately)

4.4mm balanced pre-out, preamplifier feature for use with powered speakers or speaker amplifiers (speakers sold separately).

  • WA7e Fireflies electrostatic amplifier x 1

  • 12AU7 / 5693 vacuum tube x 2

  • Glass with anti-slip silicone glass pads x 4

  • Standard USB-C [OTG] to B cable x 1

  • AC power cord x 1

  • Printed quick start guide

*Audio cables are not included. 

In the box



No driver required, plug and play with Windows 10 & 11 and all versions of macOS.