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CanJam at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest


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CanJam at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

  • Denver Marriott Tech Center 4900 South Syracuse Street Denver, CO, 80237 United States (map)

Woo Audio is partnered with Nordost at CanJam RMAF 2018. Woo Audio will debut the new WA11 PASSPORT solid-state portable amp/DAC. Nordost will have headphone & USB cables demonstration. See us in the CanJam room for an unforgettable listening experience.

CanJam RMAF is a show-within-a-show, organized by, it features the latest and greatest in headphone audio technology, one of the fastest growing segments of the audio industry.

Earlier Event: July 20
2nd Annual Taste of Woo Audio 2018
Later Event: February 16
CanJam NYC