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2nd Annual Taste of Woo Audio 2018


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2nd Annual Taste of Woo Audio 2018

  • Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport 1333 Old Bayshore Highway Burlingame, CA, 94010 United States (map)

To keep this event intimate, we are limiting entry to registered guests only.

RSVP today!

Woo Audio and Kimber Kable invite you to join us for a day of music and fun. This year we have so many new top of the range products from STAX Japan, Focal, Abyss, Audeze, MYSPHERE, and Sony Signature Series. We wanted to gather them all in one place for you (our invited guest) to try with our headphone amplifiers. You are also welcomed to bring your music (on a flash drive) and headphones. There will be complimentary food and drinks to enjoy while you audition for each system in a relaxing and comfortable environment. 

A short video from last year:

The gear list for this year. All systems are wired by Kimber Kable - the exclusive debut of the new AXIOS IEM cable, AXIOS headphone, and AXIOS USB cables.

- All-new 3ES Electrostatic headphone amplifier

- new flagship STAX Japan SR-009S Electrostatic headphone

- WA33 Standard Edition and Elite Edition, our new flagship balanced headphone amplifier

- WA11 PASSPORT, our first solid-state portable headphone amplifier and DAC

- WA8 Eclipse, the world's first battery-operated tube headphone amplifier and DAC

- Focal Utopia audiophile headphone

- Abyss AB-1266 Phi CC reference headphone

- Abyss Diana reference portable headphone

- All-new MYSPHERE 3.1 & 3.2 (successor to the legendary AKG K1000)

- Sony Signature Series MDR-Z1R headphone and NW-WM1Z gold Walkman

- Audeze LCD4z flagship planar magnetic headphone

- HifiMan Susvara reference headphone

We look forward to seeing you,

Woo Audio team

Earlier Event: May 10
High End, Munich-Germany 2018
Later Event: October 5
CanJam at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest