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4th Annual 'Taste of Woo Audio' VIP Event


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4th Annual 'Taste of Woo Audio' VIP Event

  • The Source AV Design Group 3035 Kashiwa Court Torrance, CA, 90505 United States (map)

You're invited to join us for a day of music and fun in a relaxing, comfortable environment. There will be top of the line headphones paired with our latest amplifiers for you (our invited guest) to try out. 

Here is the gear list for this year. 

  • All-new, never shown before Woo Audio tube amplifier / DAC

  • WA23 LUNA headphone amplifier

  • All-new Diana MR by ABYSS 

  • WA33 fully-balanced headphone amplifier

  • WA7 fireflies 3rd generation headphone amplifier

  • WA11 topaz, our first solid-state portable headphone amplifier and DAC

  • WA8 eclipse, the world's first battery-operated tube headphone amplifier and DAC

  • 3ES flagship Electrostatic headphone amplifier

  • STAX Japan SR-X9000 Electrostatic headphones

  • WA7e Electrostatic headphone amplifier

    Headphones from:

  • ABYSS, Audeze, Focal, Sony, STAX, Meze Audio, Dan Clark Audio and many more

RSVP today:

We look forward to seeing you! 

Earlier Event: April 14
AXPONA Audio Show
Later Event: September 30
CanJam SoCal