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CanJam SoCal


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CanJam SoCal

  • Irvine Marriott 18000 Von Karman Avenue Irvine, CA, 92612 United States (map)

Visit us in the Anaheim room (floor plan)

CanJam returns to Southern California for the 8th edition of CanJam SoCal! CanJam SoCal 2023 will once again take place at the beautiful Irvine Marriott in the heart of Orange County. Featuring the headphone audio industry’s leading brands, CanJam SoCal 2023 will showcase the latest products and innovations in headphones, in-ear monitors, and personal audio electronics in all price ranges.

The venue is located within miles of some of Southern California’s most amazing spots – Enjoy a walk along the Pacific coast in Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, and Laguna Beach. Take in a baseball game at Angels Stadium or an evening show at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Bring the family and have some fun at Disneyland and California Adventure. Mark your calendars and book your flights. Don’t miss CanJam SoCal 2023!

Later Event: November 11
CanJam Dallas